The Sixty Steps Walking Tour

The Sixty Steps Walking Tour
The short walk starts at the bottom of The Sixty Steps at the bridge pier of the old Walker’s Bridge, demolished in 1971, looking down to the weir on the River Kelvin. We take a short detour to ponder the meaning of the mysterious stone doorway in the wall before climbing The Steps. Look up as you walk to take in Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson’s idiosyncratic design features: ‘arrow slits’ high up on the wall, the ‘fireplace’ near the top. You can also see the indentations in the stone balustrades where the magnificent cast-iron lamps once stood. Finish your walk in the reclaimed ‘pleasure ground’, now a wildlife garden, and enjoy the view down to the weir on the River Kelvin.




Organised by: The Greek Thomson Sixty Steps Preservation Trust
The Greek Thomson Sixty Steps Preservation Trust is a charitable body made up of local residents and supporters from the wider community whose goal is the restoration of Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's Sixty Steps and imposing retaining wall. The Steps was one of Thomson's last commissions and his only civic structure.
Tel: 07817350961

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